Where do you start with an album like this?
Let's hit up the positive vibe first... this album raises much needed funds for
Centrepoint – https://centrepoint.org.uk/
Music For All – https://www.musicforall.org.uk/
So go buy it.
End of review...

Oh, you want more? Okay - we have previously whetted your appetite for the album at https://www.buttondownradio.com/post/new-album-coming-from-andy-b-and-the-world so I'm not going to go through all that again. 172 artists, super group, modern ska legends, ska punk, awesome... you know.
So let's focus on the music - this is a masterclass in ska/punk, folk, ska, punk, rock
Let's go:
01 – Black & Blue - we were treated to a pre-release of this waaaaaay back in 2017 (yes, this is a labour of love that has taken a LONG time to reach fruition) and a version featured on the What Do You Know About Ska Punk Vol 2 compilation (https://whatdoyouknowaboutskapunk.bandcamp.com/album/what-do-you-know-about-ska-punk-vol-2) so we are on familiar territory here. Upbeat - big singalong chorus and punchy horn section.
02 – Somethings Out - the folk's to the fore for the count in before those horns come in and guitar that characterises new tone. An almost Dropkick Murphys style rolling drum beat speeds this protest song along, Which segues us nicely into...
03 – Protestin - a largely acoustic song with a chanted chorus that has elements of Chumbawamba (pre chart era - before they went all pop) and quintessentially British folk punk vocal stylings from The Defekters and Phoenix City All-stars' Cara-Jane Murphy. Featuring Curtis Meacham (Monkey) on Clavinet and Dave Hillyard on brass!
04 – Frantic - here comes the ska - this really reminds me of Bad Operation. This was featured on WDYKASP Vol 3 (https://whatdoyouknowaboutskapunk.bandcamp.com/album/what-do-you-know-about-ska-punk-vol-3) in fact - did this have an influence on Bad Op? Great stuff
05 – Won’t Back Down - the speed keeps up. Karen Roberts' (I believe previously of Chase Long Beach?) and a belter of a guitar solo from Gary Mills.
06 – Times - a really positive vibe with a cracking, characteristic organ sound in the background from Cartoon Violence's Chuzz. Once you hear it, it carries the song superbly under Alex Copeland of [Spunge]'s vocals. Great upbeat number. Absolutely love this one.
07 – Got Your Back - nothing slows down here as we are hit by the 14 person brass assault before launching into an anthemic We've Got Your Back ripper. Shared lyric duties written by MC Lars and Tommy Saunders. If you know these names, you know what you are gonna get.
08 – Not Gonna Settle - The instantly recognisable voice of Tef London's Jenny Morrison brings us to this mid tempo head bopper with a rhythmic signature that reminds me of Blue Skies by W*nk.
09 – Follow The Streetlights - Another big brass section supports this fast paced stadium ska number. Elements of Foo Fighters from The Main Street Sweep's Tony Dicarluccio vocals (in a god way!)
10 – No Righteous Cause - Damn! This is great. This would not be out of a place on a Call Me Malcolm album. Superfast, crunchy up stroke guitar ska riffing with that stadium ska sound. Another of the 'bigger' songs. Billy Canino of pop/punk band Thieves lends a great vibe to this track.
11 – Advertise This - a partly spoken folk/punk awareness song. A low key tune which is easy listening.
12 – Change The World - aaaah bloody love Captain Accident's voice and it goes great on this song. It flows like treacle over this reggae influenced number with an undulating string section in the background. When I say string section - Marion Fleetwood plays viola, violin and cello - but hopefully not all at the same time. And just when you are soothed and chilled the whole damn thing kicks in and I'm loving hearing Adam sing over a more punky ending.
13 – Things Change - Great song. Listen... love the power of multi person choruses.
14 – Eleventh Hour - DAMN! That brass section - so freaking tight! How did these guys record in different parts of the world and get it so tight. The Cardiff born rapper Jake 'Project' Brimble brings a serious tone to the crescendo of a finale to this MASSIVE album.
What a tour de Force! And Andy promises that Volume 2 will be even bigger!
Releases tomorrow -
Digital Download – https://andybandtheworld.bandcamp.com/
Digital Download & 12″ Booklet – https://andybandtheworld.bandcamp.com/
Vinyl (Inc 12″ Booklet) – https://www.pookoutrecords.co.uk/
I wanted to do more reviews throughout this batsh*t crazy lockdown week, but this has not left my iPod playlist ALL WEEK LONG. It is an amazing piece of work. You get amazing music. Charities get money. Win win!
Mr P
Jan 2021
